Thursday, May 30, 2013

Following Apple watches and Google glasses Samsung Microsoft Baidu, also will join the competition in the smart wear

Apple to launch bvlgari bracelet women watch, Google has launched Glass smart glasses, then bvlgari rings replica it? Can definitely tell you that Samsung can have both.
Meanwhile, there is news that Microsoft is also optimistic about the smart wearable devices and start ready to proceed to develop their own products, and challenge the Google glasses. This has been proven to get the side, allegedly, Microsoft has been reached with the company bvlgari earrings price contract, and has already begun the process of development and testing.
Of course, Samsung and Google has a tight fit products, belonging to the Samsung Android camp, or have begun to test its own Android-based smart glasses, of course, smart watches have surfaced earlier in the year, but the time to market and undetermined.
By comparison, the domestic market, has announced the grand smart watches product sample images, and release time has been put on the agenda, and Baidu also very likely with its own search engine to start planning to wear products, after all, the trend of smart devices, one kind of looks will be an inevitable phenomenon coincides

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Google (microblogging) will be selected as a consumer version of Google Samsung's OLED display glasses supplier

According to foreign media quoted "Korea Times" reported that Google (microblogging) will choose Samsung as a consumer version of Google Glasses OLED display supplier. The source said Google's move is significant because it means that Google will work with Samsung share information on future projects confidential information.
In recent years, Samsung and its suppliers the complex relationship between repeated headlines. Apple has taken resolute measures to get rid of the Samsung supplies parts dependency. In addition, the Samsung for the Android ecosystem enormous influence, Google also Samsung expressed some concerns. But Google may be for Samsung fears still not enough to make Google in the company's most experimental projects selecting suppliers Samsung will be excluded.
"Korea Times" reported that Google will be in the consumer version of Google glasses used in Samsung's aaa cheap Bvlgari Plated jewelry display. Supply chain sources said, "This decision is of great significance, because it means that Google will work with Samsung share information on future projects top-secret information." Another Samsung supplier told "Korea Times" said, "Google will Samsung seen as a very important business partner, "and expressed as Google glasses Supply Bulgari Ring Fake display will" further boost Samsung's Cheap Bulgari Jewelry business. "
In other words, regardless of Google for Samsung in the Android market, the influence of holding what reservations comments, which have not yet resulted in Google Samsung will be seen as a direct competitor

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Samsung and Apple are working to develop other forms of wearable devices

Last week on the Google Developers Conference held in San Francisco, Google for Google glasses a detailed description. Google glasses as a combination of mobile computers and glasses, either video, you can also access to the Internet, this year's most controversial new equipment.

I believe many people think Google glasses will represent the future of science and technology, and gradually replace individual as Bvlgari jewelry. It is said that Samsung and Apple are committed to the development of other forms of wearable devices. But the industry graceful Bvlgari Bracelet experts pointed out that the improper use of Google Glasses or pose a threat to personal privacy, to bring Google glasses in the case of others without the knowledge of video.
Still, Google glasses attracted many fans, some early users that Google glasses threat to privacy have been grossly exaggerated. In fact, Google glasses during the video, there will be flashing lights, a result that can be made to determine whether the shooting.

On the left side of the Google glasses lens with a postage stamp-sized electronic display, video, receive mail, specified driving route, as well as mobile phone via a wireless connection to retrieve data from web page information.

In April this year, Google CEO Eric Schmidt delivered a speech at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, want people to eliminate the anxiety of the new technology. He pointed out that those who are afraid of change, or do not believe that Google glasses shelter social criticism is inevitable.

He mentioned that the scientific and technological innovation, such as smart phones and wireless devices, initially also led to discussions about social etiquette, for example, on the bus to talk loudly into the phone. Eric Schmidt admits that Google should not wear glasses in some cases.

At present, some casinos are prohibited to wear glasses of Google. the bvlgari Stainless Steel Earrings with five points café also provides for the protection of customer privacy, guests prohibit the use of Google glasses Highway Patrol said there was no law expressly provides that the drivers on the highway to prohibit the wearing of Google glasses, but an official said, Google wear glasses cause the driver to be distracted, so it will take compulsory measures to make it take off. A web designer from Washington attended the conference, he said that even if Google glasses can not be a long time video, also need to enter the cinema took off his glasses, otherwise they may be driven out.

Some members of Congress to consider the use of Google Glasses privacy track record. May 16, eight members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to Google CEO Larry Page, asking how to use Google glasses privacy tracking, facial recognition.

Google responded that Google glasses and no facial recognition, unless personal privacy is properly protected, we do not add this feature plans. Mark Rodenburg, executive director of the U.S. Centers for Electronic Privacy, the Google glasses really raises privacy issues. He worried that the large amounts of data collected by Google glasses eventually flow to the Google data center.

Ryan Carlo, a law professor from the University of Washington, is committed to study the Privacy Act and the field of science and technology. He believes that, whether it is Google glasses or smart phone or voice recorder, fact, and other technology products is no different, just like glasses can be worn, so let the people feel uneasy

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Google glasses behind the development story

On the current Google I / O conference, the company founder Sergey Brin has been described to the participants the Google glasses behind the development of the story, and revealed some Bvlgari Jewelry Replica device software upgrade program message.Brin said that the future software upgrade will be a very practical function, that is, anti-shake function and Bvlgari Bracelet Ceramic Red box decoration
We all had a taste of Google glasses excellent performance as a wearable camera can be played out, especially in the case of the need to empty hands - such as playing with the children, or a display device. However, when shooting need to try to maintain the stability of the head, or the jitter of the screen will be very serious. But in talking to people, do not want to nod seems a bit difficult.
Brin said he was aware of the existence of the problem, Bvlgari Rose Gold Plated Diamond and revealed that Google is currently working on a solution. "Remain concerned about some of our software will help you." He said. But we do not know the use of these software, but taking into digital image stabilization is a smart phone is a fairly common feature, Google may use a similar system. In addition, Google glasses equipped with many sensors and gyroscopes, Google may also choose to have these parts to the phase shift compensation.
Brin also revealed that the commercial version of Google glasses will be available next year, and joined improve on the design and function

Monday, May 13, 2013

The size of the wearable computer market may be expansion in 2016 to 6 billion U.S. dollars

According to the UK IMS Research, the market size of the wearable computer may expansion in 2016 to $ 6 billion. For early card bit, Evernote and other vendors have set up shop, which is headquartered in Redwood City, California (RedwoodCity) Bvlgari necklaces developer internal, two dozen engineers are obsessed with a bunch of wireless watches, heart rate monitor, meter and Google computer of glasses. 
    Evernote CEO Lebbin (Phil Libin) said: "Can you bring such a successful technology and Replica Bvlgari Bangle Bracelet compared to the beginning of 2,3 years, the market is the incubation period of 3-5 years will start to become very favorable Figure These are long-term investment. " 
    Lebbin mentioned Evernote most revenue from the personal computer (PC), tablet PCs and smart phones using its software, but on the right track with the wearable computer, the situation may change. 
    According to Juniper Research, the online wearable device sales in 2017 reached about 70 million, 15 million in this year. Such a device is mainly Nike and Fitbit brand fitness monitoring meter, but informed sources revealed in February, Apple has a team in the development of a watch-like device. Samsung Electronics announced in March is also currently developing a watch. 
    With the device mushroomed increase, the use of wearable products consumers may download the application, developers have the opportunity to pre-fee, or paid advertising to show users. 
    "Will Stofega), research firm International Data (IDC) program the Director Shituofeijia (, said:" As long as the products meet the needs of consumers, may grow up very quickly. " 
    However, if the prediction does not come true, the shares wearable device craze to fade quickly, and a lot of care to reason. New app will have to overcome these devices can secretly take pictures and photography-related concerns, wearable computer program developers need to differentiate their products compete for consumers' wallets, and smart phones, tablet computers thousands of APP silver. 
    Nevertheless, the early signs are still displayed to the user is ready for wearable electronics. According to a survey conducted by ChangeWave Research in March, the 1713 North American respondents, about 19% said they would very likely or somewhat likely to buy Apple iWatch. The research firm said that the consumer response similar to the pre-launch of the Apple iPad tablet computer. 
    Research institutions the Endpoint Technologies AssociatesInc. President Kay (Roger Kay) point out that the next five years wearable device sales reached 40 million, reference consumers monthly spend on iPhone and iPad APP expenditures of about $ 10, the development providers can look forward to a $ 400 million business opportunities. Kay said, the so-called program advertising (in-app advertising) may be the aforementioned revenue doubled to $ 800 million US dollars 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Google glasses actually hide a function of the level of God

They have received more than one source of clues (and apparently are anonymous) - Glass of the core development team are using this feature. In other words, Glass second wave of development have long known that such a function. Even further news that this feature through a software upgrade unlock rafts schedule. Developers are Blink melt into the app, Google will open on the system at the same time.

This function is in the end is how to use it: Wear Glass and active, as long as the user to do a slightly longer than usual blinking (similar the ogle-like) Glass will take a picture.

Glass as well as a set of "understanding" mechanism "blink" - that is, you can set it and understand your intentions. Of course, in the case of the absence of a blink of an eye when you blink every time will be executed camera action.

Sensor articles: in the end is how to achieve?

Google did not disclose the specific type or quantity of the sensor in the Glass. But most people guess must have a built-in infrared sensors and distance sensors. The latter used to determine the "Sleep" and "start" two states. Like intelligent machines, when you put it on the side, Glass goes into hibernation and suspend receiving messages; put on again, it will light up the screen to start working.

Compared to the distance sensor, an infrared sensor to many complex and mysterious. Google in fact rarely mentioned this, sources said the Fengyun fitted to the inner box on the infrared sensor is an infrared camera, the eye monitoring activities can to some extent - be able to identify at least blinking. Than the blink of an eye recognition algorithm is even more profound, and can be seen from the Google patent.

Patent papers: original premeditated.

First to introduce before the first Google patent, entitled "identification of eye activity to unlock the screen by its three senior engineers.

This patent spent a lot of space to describe how to unlock the screen by testing the eyes of activities (also mentioned several times is a head-mounted device's screen). Of course, unlock the screen and take pictures there are still differences in the patent describes ways to unlock and Glass blink camera features are different.

Note:! Patent appeared in a total of 26 "infrared" and more than 100 times the head-mounted display device, and there is a description confirmed "in the twinkling of an eye the identification of the activities.

Look at another patent:

"If you want to unlock the headset device in a dormant state, the processor will be generated on the screen the image of a moving object. Processor comparison image of an object moving trajectory and eye movement trajectory determine whether the two consistent image of the object the trajectory are randomly generated each time ... "

Although there is no mention of how to monitor the activities of the eye, but it is clear that Google is ready to this technology on the headset device - after one year, Google Glass in respect to turned out to.

Google really prepared to how frustrating this is still unknown.

Use the blink of an eye camera feature now allows a small part of the developers point of view, it is clear that Google is very good to uphold the fine tradition of the company's products after the first closed beta promotion. In fact, now everyone is Google's test mice.

However, the blink of an eye pictures to last will certainly lead to privacy concerns - if one dares to say in front of your "OK ​​Glass, shot down" has been considered not put up with - Imagine a silly X wearing a pair of strange glasses in front of your frequency ogle.

But on the other hand, this feature will be very useful place to determine whether the user is not a heart attack, such as abnormal blink frequency.

Each new thing is accepted, there will be a long process for Glass, so we have to wait and see!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Google is considering opening a chain of stores, foreign dedicated to selling Google glasses

Rumors that Google will soon follow the example of Apple opening up its own retail stores specializing in selling Google glasses.
U.S. technology Bvlgari jewelry website, citing reliable sources of news that Google is considering to set up chain stores specialize in selling external Google glasses to help consumers better understand Google glasses. Currently, some Google employees have begun to prepare the the Google glasses retail preparatory work.
As we all know, Google glasses is a new high-tech products to lead, not to mention the average consumer, even professionals to its level of understanding is not too deep. Google launched the Google glasses retail stores can be said to be of great significance, it will help consumers better understand and experience the Google glasses, and Google glasses further promotion.
In response to the rumors, Google said refusing to comment on rumors or speculation.
Currently, Google has announced the "Explorer" version of Google glasses, priced at $ 1,500. Based on the expected I / O conference, Google will be held next week announced more Google glasses.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Google luxury glasses shabby but practical lock screen

Until now, the the Google luxury glasses application development activities carried out vigorously, but Google released the the Mirror API's not a long time from the launch of the consumer version of Google Glasses will take some time, so we do not need to rush to one thirtymoment. But anyway, the developer needs to launch something suitable to fill the gaps in the functionality of the glasses. The Mike Mike DiGiovanni, Diqiaowani, is a developer, he thinks Google glasses most striking a blank lock screen, so he developed a application called Bulletproof.

The Google glasses does not own the lock screen. Perhaps this is Google's negligence, perhaps they feel "Developer Edition" Google glasses there is no need to lock screen. Even if the number of users of the "Developer Edition" Google glasses, safety issues also need attention. This is not to say that Google glasses machine owners are going to often took off his glasses, but the thieves or curious friends really Bukebufang. Although Google glasses may just be the partner of your Android phone equipment, but it would still be some information, such as contacts, videos, pictures ...... they are private information, should be properly protected.

Mike development · Diqiaowani, Bulletproof is a look shabby lock screen function, it can leave the user's eyes glasses enable lock screen. Judging from the limited data, it seems to rely on the touchpad instead of posture (payable to or tilted position) to control, but in the future it may be able to touch and posture control combined.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Glasses Google will soon join the iPhone compatible texting / Navigation

The first beta version of Google glasses has been around for nearly a month. This stunning device you want to use to send text messages and navigation, you must use an Android phone to match between the supporting applications and Google glasses via Bluetooth. But soon, iPhone users will also be able to enjoy this feature.

Technology website TechCrunch quoted a Google employee as saying that Google will soon will be sent SMS and navigation features to expand to Android devices, making it compatible with iPhone users. However, we still do not know Google glasses will be the manner in which to connect and iPhone, maybe Google will launch iOS version supporting the application, but, according to TechCrunch, these features will independent of the phone, without supporting the application.
The Google glasses must be bundled and a cell phone to access the Internet (or Wi-Fi), these can rely on the iPhone. However, such a function you want to use map navigation and short message, Google glasses need access to certain APIs on iOS restrictions. Taking into account the limitations of Apple, the task for Google technically speaking some difficulties.
Some the Cartier love speculation, the retail version of Google glasses will not need to rely on smart phones to get a network connection, so you can directly bypass Apple's ecosystem. But have to wait until next year to find out

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Google luxury glasses by hackers jailbreak Google: We are intentional

Were hackers jailbreak news for the Google luxury Glasses Beta, Google has given an amazing response, that is, "We are intentional."

Last week, Google luxury glasses members of the development team Steven Rau said in a speech on Google+ jailbreak small, Google intentional. "I do not intend to fight against anyone, but to be honest, we are deliberately not lock the device, in order to facilitate your escape, and then do some crazy things, after all, you spend $ 1,500, but also personally to pick up to get our something cool to look at it, "Steven Rau sincere.
Previously, a hacker is proud that, through a known vulnerability in the Android 4.0 system, Google glasses escape, so that the user can theoretically bypass the Google all restrictions. In addition, there is a well-known foreign developers also said that he has been Google glasses jailbreak.

Although so far, we have yet to see the jailbreak Google glasses, also failed to appreciate the jailbreak Google Glasses What is the difference. But the of Google Glasses development team members to respond can be seen, the vulnerability exists in the glasses of Google Android 4.0 system, in fact, equivalent to a developer eggs left to the user, there will be interesting features? Then try to jailbreak it!

Relative to Apple's tough stance on the jailbreak, Google has always been very open to the public that support hackers jailbreak action, perhaps this is the corporate culture differences.