Showing posts with label Google luxury glasses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google luxury glasses. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

Google luxury glasses shabby but practical lock screen

Until now, the the Google luxury glasses application development activities carried out vigorously, but Google released the the Mirror API's not a long time from the launch of the consumer version of Google Glasses will take some time, so we do not need to rush to one thirtymoment. But anyway, the developer needs to launch something suitable to fill the gaps in the functionality of the glasses. The Mike Mike DiGiovanni, Diqiaowani, is a developer, he thinks Google glasses most striking a blank lock screen, so he developed a application called Bulletproof.

The Google glasses does not own the lock screen. Perhaps this is Google's negligence, perhaps they feel "Developer Edition" Google glasses there is no need to lock screen. Even if the number of users of the "Developer Edition" Google glasses, safety issues also need attention. This is not to say that Google glasses machine owners are going to often took off his glasses, but the thieves or curious friends really Bukebufang. Although Google glasses may just be the partner of your Android phone equipment, but it would still be some information, such as contacts, videos, pictures ...... they are private information, should be properly protected.

Mike development · Diqiaowani, Bulletproof is a look shabby lock screen function, it can leave the user's eyes glasses enable lock screen. Judging from the limited data, it seems to rely on the touchpad instead of posture (payable to or tilted position) to control, but in the future it may be able to touch and posture control combined.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Google luxury glasses by hackers jailbreak Google: We are intentional

Were hackers jailbreak news for the Google luxury Glasses Beta, Google has given an amazing response, that is, "We are intentional."

Last week, Google luxury glasses members of the development team Steven Rau said in a speech on Google+ jailbreak small, Google intentional. "I do not intend to fight against anyone, but to be honest, we are deliberately not lock the device, in order to facilitate your escape, and then do some crazy things, after all, you spend $ 1,500, but also personally to pick up to get our something cool to look at it, "Steven Rau sincere.
Previously, a hacker is proud that, through a known vulnerability in the Android 4.0 system, Google glasses escape, so that the user can theoretically bypass the Google all restrictions. In addition, there is a well-known foreign developers also said that he has been Google glasses jailbreak.

Although so far, we have yet to see the jailbreak Google glasses, also failed to appreciate the jailbreak Google Glasses What is the difference. But the of Google Glasses development team members to respond can be seen, the vulnerability exists in the glasses of Google Android 4.0 system, in fact, equivalent to a developer eggs left to the user, there will be interesting features? Then try to jailbreak it!

Relative to Apple's tough stance on the jailbreak, Google has always been very open to the public that support hackers jailbreak action, perhaps this is the corporate culture differences.